
  1. Xu, Ch, M Holmgren, EH Van Nes, F Maestre, S Soliveres, M Berdugo,S Kefi, PA Marquet, S Abades, M Scheffer (2015). Can we infer plant facilitation from remote sensing? a test across global drylands. Ecological Applications 25: 1456-1462.
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  2. Castañeda LE, Godoy K, Manzano M, Marquet PA & O Barbosa (2015). Comparison of soil microbial communities inhabiting vineyards and native Sclerophyllous forests in central Chile. Ecology and Evolution 5: 3857-3868 doi: 10.1002/ece3.1652
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  3. Scheffer M., J. Bascompte, T. K. Bjordam, S. R. Carpenter, L. B. Clarke, C. Folke, PA Marquet, N. Mazzeo, M. Meerhoff, O. Sala, and F. R. Westley (2015). Dual thinking for scientists. Ecology and Society 20(2): 3.
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  4. Poisot T., S. Kéfi, S. Morand, M. Stanko, PA Marquet and M. Hochberg (2015). A continuum of specialists and generalists in empirical communities. PLOS ONE  10 (5) Article Number: e0114674
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  5. Badano EI, Bustamante, RO, Villarroel E, PA Marquet & Cavieres, LA. (2015). Facilitation by nurse plants regulates community invasibility in harsh environments. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 756-767. doi: 10.1111/jvs.12274
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  6. Marquet PA, AP Allen,  JH Brown, JA Dunne, BJ Enquist, JF Gillooly, PA Gowaty, J Harte, SP Hubbell, JG. Okie, A Ostling,  M Ritchie, D Storch, and GB West (2015). On the importance of  first principles in ecological theory development. BioScience 65(4): 342-343.
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  7. Borthagaray AI,  M Arim & PA Marquet (2014). Inferring species roles in metacommunity structure from species co-occurrence networks.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B   281: 20141425.
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  8. Nuñez-Lopez M., JX Velasco-hernandez & PA Marquet (2014). The dynamics of technological change under constraints: Adopters and resourcers. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 19: 3299-3317.
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  9. Patron H. Z., Palma, E., Marquet, PA, & Ceballos, G. (2014) Phylogenetic relationships of calomys sorellus complex (rodentia: cricetidae), with the description of two new species. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología 4: 1-23.
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  10. Abades SR, Gaxiola A, Marquet PA (2014). Fire, percolation thresholds and the savanna forest transition: A neutral model approach. Journal of Ecology 102: 1386–1393.
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  11. Marquet PA, AP Allen,  JH Brown, JA Dunne, BJ Enquist, JF Gillooly, PA Gowaty, JL Green, J Harte, SP Hubbell, J O´Dwyer, JG. Okie, A Ostling,  M Ritchie, D Storch, and GB West (2014). On theory in ecology. BioScience 64: 701-710. (Highlighted in F1000)
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  12. Durán AP, Casalegno S, Marquet PA, Gaston KJ (2013). Representation of ecosystem services by terrestrial protected areas: Chile as a Case Study. PLoS ONE 8(12): e82643. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082643
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  13. Samaniego H., & Marquet, P. A. (2013). Range structure analysis: unveiling the internal structure of species’ ranges. Theoretical Ecology 6: 419-426.
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  14. Núñez-Ávila, MC, M. Uriarte, P.A. Marquet & JJ Armesto (2013). Decomposing recruitment limitation for an avian-dispersed rain forest tree in an anciently fragmented landscape. Journal of Ecology 101 (6), 1439-1448 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12148)
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  15. Araujo  MB, Ferri-Yanez F, Bozinovic F, Marquet PA, Valladares F, Chown, SL (2013). Heat freezes niche evolution. Ecology Letters 16:1206-1219. (Highly citaed paper according to ISI Web of Knowledge)
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  16. Hannah L., P.R. Roehrdanz, M. Ikegami, A. V. Shepard, M. R. Shaw, G. Tabor, L. Zhi, P. A. Marquet, and R. J. Hijmans (2013). Reply to van Leeuwen et al.: Planning for agricultural adaptation to climate change and its consequences for conservation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110: E3053.
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  17. Hannah L., P.R. Roehrdanz, M. Ikegami, A. V. Shepard, M. R. Shaw, G. Tabor, L. Zhi, P. A. Marquet, and R. J. Hijmans (2013). Climate change, wine and biodiversity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110 (17): 6907-6912 (Highly cited paper according to ISI Web of Knowledge, highlighted in National geographic )
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  18. Hernández C.,  E. Rodríguez-Serrano, J. Avaria-Llautureo, O. Inostroza-Michael, B. Morales-Pallero, D. Boric-Bargetto, C. Canales-Aguirre, P. A.  Marquet and A. Meade (2013). Using phylogenetic information and the comparative method to evaluate hypotheses in macroecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 401-415.
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  19. Gonzales-Salazar C., C.R. Stevens and P.A. Marquet (2013). Comparing the relative contributions of biotic and abiotic factors as mediators of species’ distributions. Ecological Modelling 248: 57– 70.
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  20. De Santana  Ch. N. A.F. Rozenfeld, P.A. Marquet, C.M. Duarte (2013). The topological properties of Polar foodwebs. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 474: 15–26.
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  21. Mulder C., A. Boit, S. Mori, J.A. Vonk, S.D. Dyer, L. Faggiano, S. Geisen, A. L. González, M. Kaspari, S. Lavorel, P. A. Marquet, A. G. Rossberg, R. W. Sterner, W. Voigt & D. H. Wall (2012). Distributional (In)Congruence of Biodiversity-Ecosystem functioning. Advances in Ecological Research 46: 1-88.
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  22. Marquet P.A., C.M. Santoro, C. Latorre, V.G. Standen, S.R. Abades, M.M. Rivadeneira, B. Arriaza & M.E. Hochberg (2012). Emergence of social complexity among coastal hunter-gatherers in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109:14754-14760. (Cover article, Highly cited paper according to ISI Web of Knowledge, Commented in Nature, Science, New Scientist, Public Radio International, National Geographic, NPR among others)
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  23. Shaw A.K., J.L. Galaz & P.A. Marquet (2012). Population dynamics of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna): density dependence, rainfall, and spatial distribution. Journal of Mammalogy 93:658-666.
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  24. Barnosky A.D., E.A. Hadly, J. Bascompte, E.L. Berlow, J.H. Brown, M. Fortelius, W.M. Getz, J. Harte, A. Hastings, P.A. Marquet, N.D. Martinez, A. Mooers, P. Roopnarine, G. Vermeij, J.W. Williams, R. Gillespie, J. Kitzes, Ch. Marshall, N. Matzke, D. P. Mindell, E. Revilla & A.B. Smith (2012). Approaching a state‐shift in Earth’s biosphere. Nature 486: 52-58 (Featured in Nature, Wired, F1000, Scientific American, LATimes, Rollingstone, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, CBS News, ABC News among others).
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  25. Borthagaray, A.I.,  M. Arim and P. A. Marquet (2012). Connecting landscape structure and patterns in body size distributions. Oikos 121:697-710.
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  26. Keymer J.E., M.A. Fuentes and P.A. Marquet (2012). Diversity emerging: From competitive exclusion to neutral coexistence in ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s12080-011-0138-9.
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  27. González, A.L. J.M.  Fariña, R. Pinto,  C. Pérez,  K.C. Weathers , J.J. Armesto & P.A. Marquet (2011). Bromeliad growth and stoichiometry: responses to atmospheric nutrient supply in fog-dependent ecosystems of the hyper-arid Atacama Desert, Chile. Oecologia 167:835–845
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  28. Gonzalez A.L., Fariña J.M., Kay A. D., Pinto R. and P.A. Marquet (2011). Exploring patterns and mechanisms of interspecific and intraspecific variation in body elemental composition of desert consumers. Oikos 120:1247-1255
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  29. Latorre, C., A. L. González, J. Quade, J. M. Fariña, R. Pinto & P. A. Marquet (2011). Establishment and formation of fog-dependent Tillandsia landbeckii dunes in the Atacama Desert: evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 116 DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001521
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  30. Abades, S.R. & Marquet P.A. (2011). Finite size scaling in the local abundances of geographic populations. Biological Research 44: 107-112.
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  31. Núñez-Ávila, MC, M. Uriarte, P.A. Marquet & JJ Armesto (2011). Microsatellite markers for the relict tree Aextoxicon punctatum: the only species in the Chilean endemic family Aextoxicaceae.  American Journal of Botany (AJB Primer Notes & Protocols in the Plant Sciences) e30-e32.
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  32. Araújo, M.B., Rozenfeld, A., Rahbek, C. & Marquet, P.A. (2011) Using species coexistence networks to assess the impacts of climate change. Ecography 34: 897-908 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.06919.x
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  33. Morlon, H.,  D.W. Schwilk, J. A. Bryant, P.A. Marquet, A.G. Rebelo, C. Tauss, B.J. M. Bohannan and J. L. Green (2011) Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity. Ecology Letters 14: 141-149.
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  34. Badano E.I., Marquet P.A. & Cavieres L.A. (2010) Predicting effects of ecosystem engineering on species richness along primary productivity gradients.  Acta Oecologica, 36: 46-54.
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  35. Barbosa O, Marquet P.A., Bacigalupe L.D.,  C.A. Duncan, Del-Val E, A.G. Gutierrez, C.G. Jones, K.C. Weathers, J.J. Armesto (2010) Interactions among patch area, forest structure and water fluxes in a fog-inundated forest ecosystem in semi-arid Chile. Functional Ecology 24: 909-917.
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  36. Borthagaray, A.I., M.A. Fuentes & P.A. Marquet (2010) Vegetation pattern formation in a fog-dependent ecosystem. Journal of Theoretical Biology 265:18-26.
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  37. Armesto, J.J., D. Manuschevich, A. Mora, C. Smith-Ramirez, R. Rozzi, A. M. Abarzúa & P. A. Marquet (2010). From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: A historical framework for land cover change in southwestern South America in the past 15,000 years. Land Use Policy 27: 148–160.
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  38. Rivadeneira, M.M., C.M. Santoro and P. A. Marquet (2010) Reconstructing the history of human impacts on coastal biodiversity in Chile: Constraints and opportunities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20: 74–82.
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  39. Arim M, Abades SR, Laufer G,  M. Loureiro & P.A. Marquet (2010) Food web structure and body size: trophic position and resource acquisition. Oikos 119: 147-153.
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  40. Marquet PA  (2009) Beyond Darwin: On the role of niche construction and self-organization in evolution. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 82: 493-496.
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  41. Aldana, M., K. González, G. Loot, J. Pulgar & P. A. Marquet (2009) First intermediate host of the digenean trematode Proctoeces lintoni (fellodistomidae) in Chile. Journal of Parasitology 95: 1408–1414.
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  42. Parra, L.E., R. Villagran-Mella & P.A. Marquet (2009). Phylogeny of the genera Euclidiodes and Hasodima (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and description of two new species from the Fray Jorge relict forest in northern Chile. Zootaxa 2273: 59-68.
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  43. Badano, E.I and P.A. Marquet (2009). Biogenic habitat creation affects biomass-diversity relationships in plant communities. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 11:191-201
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  44. Tognelli, M.,  M. Fernández, and P. A. Marquet (2009). Assessing the performance of the existing and proposed marine protected areas in Chile to preserve marine biodiversity. Biological Conservation 142:3147-3153.
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  45. Ramos-Jiliberto, R., A.A. Albornoz, F.S. Valdovinos, C. Smith-Ramírez, M. Arim, ; J.J. Armesto & P.A. Marquet (2009). A network analysis of plant-pollinator interactions in temperate rain forests of Chiloé Island, Chile. Oecologia 160: 697-706
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  46. Samaniego, H. and P. A. Marquet (2009) Mammal and Butterfly Species Richness in Chile: Taxonomic Covariation and History. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 82: 135-151.
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  47. Fernández, M., A. Astorga, S. A. Navarrete, C. Valdovinos and P. A. Marquet  (2009) Deconstructing Latitudinal Species Richness Patterns in the Ocean: Does Larval Development Hold the Clue? Ecology Letters 12: 601-611.
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  48. Lenoir, J., J.C. Gégout, P.A. Marquet, P de Ruffray &H. Brisse (2008). A significant upward shift in plant species optimum elevation during the 20th century. Science 320: 1768-1771. (Highly citaed paper according to ISI Web of Knowledge)
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  49. Lafferty, K.D., Allesina, S., Arim, M., Briggs, C.J., DeLeo, G., Dobson, A.P.,Dunne, J.A., Johnson, P.T.J., Kuris, A.M., Marcogliese, D.J., Martinez,N.D., Memmott, J., Marquet, P.A., McLaughlin, J.P., Mordecai, E.A., Pascual, M., Poulin,R, & Thieltges, D.W. (2008) Parasites in food webs: the ultimate missing links. Ecology Letters 11: 533-546. (Highly citaed paper according to ISI Web of Knowledge)
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  50. Badano E. & P. A. Marquet (2008) Ecosystem engineering affects ecosystem functioning in high-Andean landscapes. Oecologia 155:821–829
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  51. Gutierrez, A.G., O. Barbosa, D.A. Christie, E. del-Val, C.G. Jones, P.A. Marquet & J.J. Armesto (2008) Regeneration patterns and persistence of the fog-dependent Fray Jorge forest in semiarid Chile during the past two centuries. Global Change Biology 14: 161-176. (Cover article)
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  52. Napolitano, C., M. Bennett, W.E. Johnson, S.J. O’Brien, P.A. Marquet, I. Barría, E. Poulin & A. Iriarte (2008) Ecological and biogeographical inferences on two sympatric and enigmatic Andean cat species using genetic identification of faecal samples. Molecular Ecology 17: 678-690.
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  53. Tognelli, M.F., P.I. Ramirez de Arellano & P. A. Marquet (2008) How well do the existing and proposed reserve networks represent vertebrate species in Chile? Diversity and Distributions 14:148–158 (Cover article)
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  54. Wallem, P.K., C.G. Jones, P.A. Marquet & F.M. Jaksic (2007) Indentifying the mechanisms underlying the invasion of Castor canadenssis (Rodentia) into Tierra del Fuego archipelago, Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 80: 309-325.
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  55. McGill, B.J, Etienne, R.S., Gray, J.S., Alonso, D., Anderson, M. J., Benecha, H.K., Dornelas, M., Enquist, B.J.,  Green, J.L., He, F., Hurlbert, A.H., Magurran, A.E., Marquet, P. A., Maurer, B.A., Ostling, A., Soykan, C.U., Ugland, K.I., White, E. P. (2007) Species abundance distributions: moving beyond single prediction theories to integration within an ecological framework. Ecology Letters 10: 995-1015. (Highly citaed paper according to ISI Web of Knowledge)
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  56. Vergara, P.M and P.A. Marquet (2007) On the seasonal effect of landscape structure on a bird species: The thorn-tailed Rayadito in a relict forest in northern Chile. Landscape Ecology 22: 1059-1071.
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  57. Del-Val, E., J. Armesto, O.  Barbosa and  P.A. Marquet (2007) Effects of herbivory and patch size on tree seedling survivorship in a fog-dependent coastal rainforest in semiarid Chile. Oecologia 153: 625-632.
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  58. Arim, M., Bozinovic, F.B. and P.A. Marquet. (2007) On the relationship between trophic position, body mass and temperature: reformulating the energy limitation hypothesis. Oikos 116: 1524-1530
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  59. Wilson, K. A., E. C. Underwood, S. A. Morrison, K. R. Klausmeyer, W. W. Murdoch, B. Reyers, G. Wardell-Johnson, P. A. Marquet, P. W. Rundel, M. F. McBride, R. L. Pressey, M. Bode, J. M. Hoekstra, S. J. Andelman, M. Looker, C. Rondinini, P. Kareiva, M. R. Shaw, and H. P. Possingham. (2007). Conserving Biodiversity Efficiently: What to do, Where and When. PLoS Biol 5(9): 1850-1861.
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  60. Rivadeneira, M. and P. A. Marquet. (2007) Selectivity patterns during a late Neogene bivalve extinction in the temperate Pacific coast of South America. Paleobiology 33: 455-468.
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  61. Badano E., E. Villarroel, R.O. Bustamante, L.A. Cavieres & P. A. Marquet (2007) Ecosystem engineering promotes invasions by exotic plants in high-Andean ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 95: 682-688.
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  62. Labra, F., P.A. Marquet and F. Bozinovic (2007). Scaling metabolic rate fluctuations. Proceedings on the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 104: 10900-10903.
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  63. Cofre, H.I.,  K. Böhning-Gaese and P.A. Marquet (2007) Rarity in Chilean forest birds: Which ecological and life-history traits matter? Diversity and Distribution 13: 203-212.
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  64. Mena-Lorca, J., J.X. Velasco-Hernandez, and P.A. Marquet. (2006) Coexistence in metacommunities: A three-species model. Mathematical Biosciences 202:42-56.
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  65. Del-Val, E., J.J.Armesto, O. Barbosa, D.A. Christie, A.G. Gutierrez, C.G. Jones, P.A. Marquet and Weathers, K.C. (2006) Rain forest islands in he Chilean semiarid region: fog-dependency, ecosystem persistence and tree regeneration. Ecosystems 9: 598-608.
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  66. Allen, C. R.,  A. S. Garmestani, T. D. Havlicek, P. A. Marquet, G. D. Peterson, C. Restrepo, C. A. Stow, and B. A. Weeks. (2006) Patterns in Body Mass Distributions: Sifting Among Alternative Competing Hypotheses. Ecology Letters 9: 630-643.
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  67. Arim, M., S. Abades, P.E. Neill, M. Lima & P.A. Marquet (2006) Spread dynamics of invasive species. Proceedings on the National Academy of Sciences (USA). 103: 374-378.
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  68. Pinto, R., I. Barria & P.A. Marquet (2006) Geographical distribution of Tillandsia lomas in the Atacama desert, northern Chile. Journal of Arid Environments 65: 543-552.
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  69. Tognelli, M.F., C. Silva-García, F. A. Labra & P.A. Marquet (2005) Priority areas for the conservation of coastal marine vertebrates in Chile. Biological Conservation 126: 420-428.
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  70. Palma R. E., P. A. Marquet & Boric-Bargetto, D. (2005). Inter- and intraspecific phylogeography of small mammals in the Atacama Desert and adjacent areas of northern Chile. Journal of Biogeography 32: 1931-1941.
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  71. Storch, D., P.A. Marquet & K.J. Gaston (2005) Untangling and entangled bank. Science 307: 684-686.
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  72. Marquet, P.A., R.A. Quiñones, S. Abades, F. Labra, M. Tognelli, M. Arim and M. Rivadeneira . (2005) Scaling and power-laws in ecological systems. Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 1749-1769.
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  73. Hidalgo, C.A.R., F. H. Claro and P.A. Marquet. (2005) Stationary state structure of a random copying mechanism over a complex network. Physica A 353: 674-684.
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  74. Palma, R.E. E. Rivera-Milla, J. Salazar-Bravo,  F. Torres-Pérez, U.F.J. Pardiñas, P.A. Marquet, A. Spotorno, A. P. Meynard, and T.L. Yates. (2005). Phylogeography of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) in temperate South America. Journal of Mammlaogy 86(1): 191-200.
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  75. Rodrigues, A. S. L., H. R. Akçakaya S. J. Andelman, M. I. Bakarr, L. Boitani, T. M. Brooks, J. S. Chanson, L.D. C. Fishpool, G. A. B. da Fonseca, K. J. Gaston, M. Hoffman, P. A. Marquet, J. D. Pilgrim, R. L. Pressey, J. Schipper, W. Sechrest, S. N. Stuart, L. G. Underhill, R. W. Waller, M. E. J. Watts, and X. Yan (2004) Global Gap Analysis: Priority Regions for Expanding the Global Protected-Area Network. Bioscience 54: 1092–1100.
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  76. Marquet, P.A. and G.A. Bradshaw (2004). Symposium: Ecosystem disruption in the Americas. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 77: 369-370.
  77. Figueroa, J. A., S. A. Castro, P. A. Marquet & F. M. Jaksic. 2004. Exotic plant invasions to the mediterranean region of Chile: causes, history and impacts. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 77: 465-483.
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  78. Smith, F.A., Brown, J.H., Haskell, J.P., Alroy, J.  Charnov, E. L., Dyan, T.,  Enquist, B.J., Ernest, M. S.K., Hadly, E.A., Jablonski, D., Jones, K.E., Kaufman, D.M., Lyons, S.K., Marquet, P.A., Niklas, K. Maurer, B.A., Porter, W. Roy, K. Tiffney, B., and Willig, M.R. (2004) Similarity of mammalian body size across the taxonomic hierarchy and across space and time. American Naturalist 163: 672-691.
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  79. Marquet, P.A., F. Labra & B.A. Maurer (2004) Metabolic ecology: linking individuals and ecosystems. Ecology 85: 1794-1796.
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  80. Arim, M. & P.A. Marquet (2004) Intraguild predation: a widespread interaction related to species biology. Ecology Letters 7: 557-564.
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  81. Rodrigues, A.S.L., S. J. Andelman, M. I. Bakarr, L. Boitani, T. M. Brooks, R. M. Cowling, L.D. C. Fishpool, G. A. B. da Fonseca, K. J. Gaston, M. Hoffman, J. Long, P. A. Marquet, J. D. Pilgrim, R. L. Pressey, J. Schipper, W. Sechrest, S. N. Stuart, L. G. Underhill, R. W. Waller, M. E. J. Watts, and X. Yan. (2004) Effectiveness of the global protected area network in representing species diversity. Nature 428: 640-643.
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  82. George-Nascimento, M. G. Muñoz, P.A. Marquet & R. Poulin (2004) Testing the energetic equivalence rule with helminth endoparasites of vertebrates. Ecology Letters 7:527-531.
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  83. Torres-Perez, F., J. Navarrete-Droguett, R. Aldunate, T. L. Yates, G. J. Mertz, P. A. Vial, M. Ferres, P. A. Marquet & R. E. Palma (2004) Peridomestic small mammals associated with confirmed cases of human Hantavirus disease in southcentral Chile. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 70(3): 305-309.
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  84. Smith, F.A.; Lyons, S.K.; Ernest, S.K.M.; Jones, K.E.; Kaufman, D.M.; Dayan, T.; Marquet, P.A.; Brown, J.H., and J.P. Haskel (2003). Body mass of late quaternary mammals. Ecology. 84 (12): 3403-3403.
  85. Valdovinos, C. S. A. Navarrete & P.A. Marquet (2003). Mollusk species diversity in the Southeastern Pacific: Why are there more species towards the south? Ecography 26:239-144.
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  86. Labra, F., N. Lagos  & P.A. Marquet (2003) Dispersal and transients in metapopulations. Ecology Letters 6:197-204.
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  87. Reid, S., C. Cornelius, O. Barbosa, C. Meynard, C. Silva-Garcia & P.A.  Marquet  (2002). Conservation of temperate forest birds in Chile: Implications from the study of an isolated forest relict. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 1975-1990.
  88. Palma, R.E., E. Rivera-Milla, T. L. Yates, A. E. Spotorno and P. A. Marquet (2002) mtDNA phylogeography of the Chilean colilargo Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) along its latitudinal gradient. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 25:245-253.
  89. Marquet, P.A. & M.C. Depassier (2002) Kleiber and Planck. The missing link? Response. Science 298: 60-61.
  90. Marquet, P.A. (2002) The search for general principles in ecology. Nature 418:723.
  91. Barbosa, O. & P.A. Marquet (2002). Effects of forest fragmentation on the beetle assemblage at the relict forests of fray Jorge, Chile. Oecologia 132: 296-306.
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  92. Marquet P.A. (2002). Of predators, prey, and power laws. Science 295: 2229-2230. (Perspective).
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  93. Alvarado, J. L., R. Pinto, P. A. Marquet, C. Pacheco, R. Guiñez & J. C. Castilla (2001) Patch recolonization by the tunicate Pyura praeputialis (Heller) in the rocky intertidal at the bay of Antofagasta, Chile: evidence for self-facilitation mechanisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 224: 93-101.
  94. Cornelius, C., S.A. Navarrete, and P.A. Marquet. (2001) Effects of human activity on the structure of coastal marine bird assemblages in central Chile. Conservation Biology 15: 1396-1404.
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  95. Carothers, J. H., F. M. Jaksic & P. A. Marquet. (2001) Altitudinal zonation among lizards of the genus Liolaemus: questions answered and unanswered questions. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural: 74: 313-316.
  96. Marquet PA.  (2001) Ecology goes macro. Nature 412: 481-482.
  97. Marquet PA. (2000) Invariants, scaling laws and ecological complexity. Science 289: 1487-1488.
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  98. Fernández, M., E. Jaramillo, P.A. Marquet, C. Moreno, S. Navarrete, P. Ojeda, C. Valdovinos, and J. Vasquez (2000). Diversity, ecology and biogeography of Chilean benthic nearshore ecosystems: an overview and guidelines for conservation. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 73: 797-830.
  99. Keymer, J.E., P.A. Marquet, J.X. Velasco-Hernández and S.A. Levin (2000). Extinction thresholds and metapopulation persistence in dynamics landscapes. American Naturalist 156: 478-494
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  100. Kelt, D.A., P.A. Marquet & J.H. Brown. (2000). Geographical ecology of South American desert small mammals: consequences of observations at local and regional scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography letters. Global Ecology & Biogeography 9: 219–223
  101. Cornelius, C., H. Cofré & P.A. Marquet (2000). The effects of habitat fragmentation on bird species in a relict temperate forest in semiarid Chile. Conservation Biology 14: 1-11.
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  102. Jaksic, F.M., J.C. Torres-Mura, C. Cornelius & P.A. Marquet.(1999). Small mammals of the Atacama desert (Chile) and their predation by native foxes and owls. Journal of Arid Environments 42: 129-135.
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  103. Hernández-Suárez, CM, PA Marquet & J. X. Velasco-Hernández. (1999). Threshold parameters and metapopulation persistence. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 60: 1-14.
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  104. Marquet, PA & H. Cofre (1999). Large temporal and spatial scales in the structure of mammalian assemblages in South America: A macroecological approach. Oikos 85: 299-309.
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  105. Lima M, PA Marquet & FM Jaksic. (1999). El Niño events, precipitation patterns, and rodents outbreaks are statistically associated in semiarid Chile. Ecography 22: 213-218.
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  106. Bozinovic F, JA Lagos & PA Marquet (1999). Geographic energetics of the Andean mouse  Abrothrix andinus. Journal of Mammalogy 80 (1): 205-209.
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  107. Cofre H & PA Marquet (1999) Conservation status, rarity, and geographic priorities for conservation of Chilean Mammals: an assessment. Biological Conservation 88: 1-16.
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  108. Gutierrez, J.R., F. López-Cortes & P.A. Marquet (1998). Vegetation in an altitudinal gradient along the Río Loa in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Journal of Arid Environments 40: 388-399.
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  109. Santoro, C.S. L. Núñez,  V.G. Standen, H. González, P.A. Marquet & A. Torres (1998). Proyectos de irrigación y la fertilización del desierto. Estudios Atacameños 16: 321-336.
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  110. Marquet PA, F Bozinovic, GA Bradshaw, CC Cornelius, H González, JR Gutierrez, E R Hajek, JA Lagos,  F López-Cortés, L Nuñez, E F Rosello, C Santoro, H Samaniego, VG Standen,  JC Torres-Mura & FM Jaksic (1998) Los ecosistemas del Desierto de Atacama y area Andina adjacente. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 71: 593-617.
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  111. Carothers, JH, PA Marquet &  FM Jaksic (1998). Thermal ecology of a Liolaemus lizard assemblage along an Andean altitudinal gradient in Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 71: 39-50.
  112. Santelices, B. & P.A. Marquet. (1998) Seaweeds, latitudinal diversity patterns, and the Rapoport’s  rule. Diversity and Distribution 4: 71-75.
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  113. Spotorno AE, H Cofré, G Manríquez, Y Vilina, PA Marquet & LI Walker (1998). Genoma intermedio en una especie de mamífero filotino Loxodontomys en Chile central. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 71: 359-373.
  114. Keymer, J. E., P. A. Marquet & A.R. Johnson. (1998). Pattern formation in a patch occupancy metapopulation model: A cellular automata approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 194: 79-90.
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  115. Lima M, PA Marquet, & FM Jaksic (1998). Population persistence and extinction of three neotropical small mammal species. Oecologia 115: 120-126.
  116. Marquet P A & M L Taper (1998). On size and area: Patterns in body size extremes across  landmasses.  Evolutionary Ecology 12: 127-139.
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  117. Marquet P A, & J. X. Velasco-Hernández (1997). A source-sink patch occupancy metapopulation model. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 70: 371-380.
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  118. Jaksic, FM, PA Marquet, & H. González (1997). Una perspectiva ecológica sobre el uso del agua en el norte grande: la región de Tarapacá como estudio de caso. Estudios Públicos 68: 171-195.
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  119. Carothers, JH, SF Fox, PA Marquet PA & FM Jaksic (1997) Thermal characteristics of ten Andean lizards of the Chilean genus Liolaemus. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 70: 297-309.
  120. Marquet, PA, & M. Fox (1997). Southern Temperate biota and ecosystems: Past, present, and future. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 294-295.
  121. Torres-Contreras H, Silva-Aranguiz E, PA Marquet, PA Camus, & FM Jaksic (1997). Small mammals subpopulations at a semiarid neotropical site. Journal of Mammalogy 78(2): 505-513.
  122. Keitt, T H, & P A Marquet (1996). Extinction cascades in introduced Hawaiian birds suggest self-organized criticality. Journal of Theoretical Biology 182: 161-167.
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  123. Carothers, JH, FM Jaksic, & P.A. Marquet (1996). A model for species distributions along a gradient: Liolaemus lizards as study systems.  Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69: 301-307.
  124. Lima M, PA Marquet, & FM Jaksic (1996) Extinction and colonization processes in subpopulations of five sympatric small mammals. Oecologia 107: 197-203.
  125. Brown JH, PA Marquet, & M.L.Taper (1996) Darwinian fitness and reproductive power: reply to Koslowski. American Naturalist 147:1092-1097.
  126. Taper M L. & P A Marquet (1996) How do species really divide resources? American Naturalist 147:1072-1086.
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  127. Kelt DA, JH Brown, EJ Heske, PA Marquet, SR Morton, JRW Reid, KA Rogovin, & G Shenbrot (1996). Community structure of desert small mammals: comparisons across four continents. Ecology 77: 746-761.
  128. Marquet P A, S A Navarrete & J C Castilla  (1995) Body size, population density and the energetic equivalence rule. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 325-332.
  129. Moreno, PI, C Villagrán, PA Marquet, & LG Marshall. (1994). Quaternary paleobiogeography of northern and central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 67: 487-502.
  130. Marquet, P.A. (1994) Small mammals in the Atacama desert and in the adjacent Andean area: Biogeography and Community structure. Australian Journal of Zoology 42:527-542
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  131. Marquet P A, J Pineda, J Clark, MJ Fortin, C Jacobi, S Wallins, J Wu, S Bollens & R D Holt. (1993). Ecological and evolutionary consequences of patchiness. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 96: 277-304.
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  132. Brown J H, P A Marquet & M Taper (1993). The evolution of body size: Consequences of an energetic definition of fitness. The American Naturalist 142(4): 573-584
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  133. Marquet P A, L C Contreras, S Silva & F M Jaksic. (1993). Food habits of Pseudalopex foxes in the Atacama desert, pre-Andean ranges, and the high-Andean plateau of northernmost Chile. Mammalia 57:130-135.
  134. Marquet P A, L C Contreras, S Silva, J C TorresMura & F Bozinovic (1993) Natural history of Microcavia niata in the high Andean zone of northern Chile. Journal of Mammalogy 74:136-140.
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  135. Jaksic F M, S Silva, P A Marquet & L C Contreras (1991) Food habits of Gurney’s buzzard in PreAndean ranges and high Andean plateau of northernmost Chile. Journal of Raptor Research  25:116-119.
  136. Bozinovic F & P A Marquet (1991) Energetics and torpor in Phyllotis darwini rupestris: A rodent from the Chilean Pacific coastal desert. Journal of Mammalogy 72:734738.
  137. Medel R G, P A Marquet, S F Fox & F M Jaksic (1990) Depredación sobre lagartijas en Chile central: importancia relativa de atributos ecológicos y morfológicos. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 63:261266.
  138. Jimenez J E, P A Marquet, R G Medel & F M Jaksic (1990) Comparative ecology of Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) in mainland and island settings of Southern Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 63:177186.
  139. Marquet P A (1990) Competition between distantly related taxa: three reasons why it is not more often reported. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 63:149156.
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  140. Marquet P A, S A Navarrete & J C Castilla (1990) Scaling population density to body size in rocky intertidal communities. Science 250: 11251127. (Cover picture and commentedin the same issue)
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  141. Jaksic F M, J E Jimenez, R G Medel & P A Marquet (1990) Habitat and diet of the Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) on the Chilean mainland. Journal of Mammalogy 71: 246248.
  142. Marquet P A, F Bozinovic, R G Medel, Y L Werner & F M Jaksic (1990) Ecology of Garthia gaudichaudi, a Gecko endemic to the semiarid region of Chile. Journal of Herpetology 24: 431434.
  143. Marquet P A (1989) Paleobiogeography of South American cricetid rodents: a critique to Caviedes & Iriarte. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 62:193197.
  144. Marquet P A, J C Ortiz, F Bozinovic & F M Jaksic (1989) Ecological aspects of thermoregulation  at high altitudes: the case of Andean Liolaemus lizards in northern Chile. Oecologia 81: 1620.
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  145. Nuñez H, P A Marquet, R G Medel & F M Jaksic (1989) Niche relationships between two sympatric Liolaemus lizards in a fluctuating environment: The “lean” versus “feast” scenario. Journal of Herpetology 23: 2228.
  146. Medel R G, P A Marquet & F M Jaksic (1988) Microhabitat shifts of lizards under differents contexts of sympatry: a case study with South American Liolaemus. Oecologia (Berl.) 76: 567569.
  147. Ortiz, J C & P.A. Marquet (1987) Una nueva especie de lagarto altoandino: Liolaemus islugensis (Reptilia  Iguanidae). Gayana (Zool.) 51: 5963.
  1. Bustos E, Marquet PA, Palacios A (Eds) (2014) Las Rutas de la Complejidad. Ediciones Instituto de Sistemas Complejos de Valparaiso, Chile.
  2. Storch, D. P.A. Marquet & J.H. Brown (eds) (2007) Scaling Biodiversity. Cambridge University Press, Ecological review Series.
  3. Bradshaw, G.A. & P.A. Marquet (eds) (2003) How Landscapes Change. Human disturbance and ecosystem fragmentation in the Americas. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  1. PA Marquet, LM Flores, JC Castilla (2015). Educación y Ambiente a la Luz de la Encíclica Ludato Si´. Pp. 604-622. En: Sánchez I. (Editor) Ideas en Educación. Reflexiones y Propuestas desde la UC. Colección Estudios en Educación. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
  2. Cofré HL, CF Garín, YA Vilina & PA Marquet (2014) Diversidad de l ensamble de aves que habitan los bosques fragmentados de Polylepis rugulosa en el norte de Chile. Recuadro 6.1. Pp. 246-248. En: C Donoso, ME González & A Lara (eds) Ecología Forestal. Bases para el manejo sustentable y conservación de los bosques nativos de Chile. Ediciones Universidad Austral de Chile.
  3. Keymer JE and PA Marquet (2014) The complexity of cancer ecosystems. In: Benitez M, Miramontes O & Valiente A (Eds)  Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution and Complexity.  CopIt arXives and the Center for Complexity Sciences. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
  4. Marquet PA (2014) Complejidad y evolución más alla de Darwin & Wallace. Pp 213-222 En:  Bustos E, Marquet PA, Palacios A (eds). Las Rutas de la Complejidad. Ediciones Instituto de Sistemas Complejos.
  5. Maurer B. A. & P.A. Marquet (2013) Processes responsible for patterns in body mass distributions. Pp.  166-184 In: Smith, F.A. & S.K. Lyons (eds) Animal body size: linking pattern and process across space, time, and taxonomic group, The University of Chicago Press.
  6. Marquet P.A. (2009) Macroecological approaches to communities and ecosystems. In: S.A. Levin (ed). Princeton Guide to Ecology. Princeton University press, Pp.386-394
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  7. Ramìrez de Arellano PI, MF Tognelli, C Garín & PA Marquet (2008) Vacíos de Conservación y Sitios Prioritarios para la Conservación de los Vertebrados Nativos de la Región de Atacama. In: Libro Rojo de la Flora Nativa y de los Sitios Prioritarios para su conservación: Región de Atacama (F.A. Squeo, G. Arancio &  J.R. Gutiérrez, Eds.). Pp. 251-266, Ediciones Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile.
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  8. Cofré H., H. Samaniego & P.A. Marquet (2007) Small Mammal Species Richness Patterns in Mediterranean and Temperate Chile. Pp. 275-302 in Kelt, D. A., E. P. Lessa, J. Salazar-Bravo, The Quintessential Naturalist: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Oliver P. Pearson. University of California Publications in Zoology 134:1-981. University of California Press.
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  9. Storch, D.,  P.A. Marquet and J. H. Brown. (2007) Introduction: scaling biodiversity – what is the problem? Pp. 1-11 In:  Scaling Biodiversity, ed. David Storch, Pablo A. Marquet and James H. Brown. Published by Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press 2007.
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  10. Marquet P.A. S. R. Abades & Labra F.A. (2007) Biodiversity power laws.Pp. 441-461 In: Storch, D,.  P.A. Marquet & J.H. Brown eds. Scaling Biodiversity. Cambridge University Press.
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  11. Marquet P.A,. Abades S,  Keymer J.E.& Zeballos H. (2007) Discontinuities in body size distributions: a view from the top. Pp 45-57 In: C.R. Allen & C.S. Holling (eds). Discontinuity theory in ecosystems and other complex systems. Complexity Series, Columbia University Press.
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  12. Arroyo, M.T.K., P. A. Marquet, C. Marticorena, J. Simonetti, L. Cavieres, F. Squeo, R. Rozzi & F. Massardo. (2006) El Hotspot chileno, prioridad mundial para la conservación. En (Saball, P., M.K. Arroyo, J.C. Castilla, C. Estades, J.M. Ladrón De Guevara, S. Larraín, C. Moreno, F. Rivas, J. Rovira, A. Sánchez & L. Sierralta, eds), “Biodiversidad de Chile. Patrimonio y desafíos” 94-99. Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente. Santiago, Chile
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  13. Arroyo, M.T.K., L. Cavieres, P. A. Marquet, C. Latorre, J.J. Armesto, F. Bozinovic, J.R. Gutiérrez, D. Soto, F.A. Squeo (2005) Ciencias ambientales. Diagnóstico y mirada hacía el futuro. En (J. Allende, J. Babul, S. Martínez & T. Ureta, eds), Análisis y Proyecciones de la Ciencia Chilena 2005. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Santiago. Pp. 295-331.
  14. Santoro, C. M. , V. G. Standen, B. T. Arriaza y P. A. Marquet (2005) Hunter–gatherers on the coast and hinterland of the Atacama desert (17-27° south latitude). In: 23º South: The Archaeology and Environmental History of the Southern Desert, (Mike Smith y Paul Hesse eds.), pp. 172-185. National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra.
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  15. Labra F.A., S. Abades & P.A. Marquet (2005) Distribution and abundance: scaling patterns in exotic and native bird species. En: D.F. Sax, J.J. Stachowicz & S.D. Gaines (eds). Species Invasions. Insights into ecology, evolution and biogeography. Sinauer Assocaites Inc. Massachusetts. Pp. 421-446.
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  16. Santoro, C. M., B. T. Arriaza, V. G. Standen, & P. A. Marquet. (2005) People of the coastal atacama desert: living between sand dunes and waves of the Pacific Ocean. En: Global Desert Peoples: archaeological perspectives. Blackwell Publishing. Pp. 243-260.
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  17. Cornelius, C., S. Reid, and P. A. Marquet. (2005) Conservation of relict forest birds in north and central Chile. In  C. Smith, C. Valdovino & J.J. Armesto. Conservación y biodiversidad de los bosques de la cordillera de la costa en Chile. WWF and Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile. Pp. 134-138.
  18. Arroyo, M.T.K., P.A. Marquet, C. Marticorena, J. Simonetti, L. cavieres, F. Squeo & R. Rozzi (2004) Chilean winter rainfall-Valdivian forest. Pp. 99-103 In:  R. Mittermeier, P. Robles-Gil, M. Hoffmann, J. Pilgrim, T. Brooks, C. Goettsch-Mittermeier , J. Lamoreaux & G. A.B. Da Fonseca(eds.) Hotspots revisited. Cemex, México.
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  19. Marquet, P. A., Tognelli, M., Barria, I., Escobar, M., Garin, C., & Soublette, P. (2004) How well are Mediterranean ecosystems protected in Chile? Insights from gaps in the conservation of Chilean vertebrates. Pp 1-4, In: Arianoutsou & Papanastasis (eds).Proceedings 10th MEDECOS Conference, Rhodes, Greece. Millpress, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5966 0161.
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  20. Marquet, P. A., M. Fernández, S.A. Navarrete & C. Valdivinos (2004) Diversity emerging: Towards a deconstruction of biodiversity patterns. In: Frontiers of Biogeography: New directions in the geography of nature. M. Lomolino and  L. R. Heaney (eds.). Pp. 192-209. Cambridge University Press.
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  21. Marquet, P.A., J. Keymer, & H. Cofre. (2003) Breaking the stick in space: of niche models, metacommunities, and patterns in the relative abundance of species. En: T.M. Blackburn & K.J. Gaston (eds).  Macroecology: concepts and consequences. Blackwell. Pp. 64-84
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  22. Marquet, P. A. & G.A. Bradshaw (2003) Human disturbance and ecosystem fragmentation in the Americas. Synthesis and final reflections. En: Bradshaw, G.A. & P.A. Marquet (eds). How landscapes change. Human disturbance and  ecosystem fragmentation in the Americas. Pp. 345- 354.  Springer-Verlag, New York.
  23. Marquet, P.A., J. X. Velasco-Hernández, & J. Keymer (2003) Patch dynamics, habitat degradation and space in metapopulations. En:  Bradshaw, G.A. & P.A. Marquet (eds). How landscapes change. Human disturbance and  ecosystem fragmentation in the Americas. Pp. 239-254.  Springer-Verlag, New York.
  24. Marquet,  P.A., H. Gonzalez, R. Pinto, C. Santoro, V. Standen & H. Zeballos (2002) Costal Deserts of Perú and Chile. In: Wilderness: Earth’s Last Wild Places. Mittermeier, R. et al. (eds) pp. 365-373.
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  25. Marquet, P.A. (2002) Metapopulations. Pp. 411-420, In: H.A. Mooney & J. G. Canadell (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change. Volumen II. The earth System: biological and ecological dimensions of global environmental change. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, London.
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  26. Arroyo, M.T.K., R. Rozzi, J.A. Simonetti, PA Marquet & M. Salaberry (1999) Central Chile. Pp. 161-168, In:  R. Mittermeier, N Myers, &  C. Goettsch-Mittermeier (eds.) Earth’s Biologically richest and most endangered terrestrial ecorregions. Cemex, México.
  27. Marquet, PA (1993) Ambiente en las áreas fronterizas del norte de Chile: La frontera Chileno-Peruana y Chileno-Boliviana. Pp.79-91,  In: E Tréllez (ed.) Ambiente y Fronteras: Una visión desde los paises del convenio Andrés Bello. Tercer Mundo Editores, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia.
  1. Rodriguez, A.S.L. Andelman, S., Bakkar, M.I., Boitani, L., Brooks, T.M., Cowling, R.M., Fishpool, L.D.C., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Gaston, K.J., Hoffmann, M., Long, J., Marquet, P.A. , Pilgrim, J.D., Pressey, R.L., Schipper, J., Sechrest, W., Stuart, S.N., Underhill, L.G., Waller, R.W., Watts, M.E.J., Yan, X. (2003) Global Gap Analysis: towards a representative network of protected areas. Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science, Number 5. Washington DC: Conservation International.
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  2. Meserve, P. L. and PA Marquet (1999) Introduction to the proceedings of the Symposium “Large spatial and temporal scales in mammalian ecology: perspectives from the Americas.” Oikos 85:297-298.
  3. Maurer, BA &  PA Marquet. 1997 James H. Brown, President 1996-1997.  Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 78:14-15.
  4. Marquet, PA. 1996 Linking species and ecosystems. Vida Silvestre Neotropical 5: 63-64

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